Agrifood Economics


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Gender, youth and inclusion
Opportunities and barriers for youth employment and entrepreneurship in the emerging bioeconomy sectors
Technical study, 2023
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 30. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of key challenges and barriers to achieving greater youth inclusion in the bioeconomy. The analysis covers key factors (push/pull factors) that impact...
Available in:English
Policy brief, 2023
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 63. This brief summarizes the findings of the working paper Resilience to food insecurity and gender differential decomposition in the Gambia, which aims to analyse the key drivers of household resilience...
Available in:English
Working paper, 2023
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper, No. 23-02. The analysis of household resilience to food insecurity has become a key technical and evidence-based policy instrument for better tailoring development and humanitarian intervention designs. International development agencies must...
Available in:English
Policy brief, 2023
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 61. The policy brief provides the main results and highlights of the FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study La agricultura familiar en el Perú - Brechas, retos y oportunidades (available...
Available in:English Español
Brechas, retos y oportunidades
Technical study, 2023
Economía del desarrollo agrícola de la FAO – Estudio técnico N.o 28. El presente estudio proporciona una caracterización del acceso a los principales factores e insumos de producción, medios de vida y servicios de extensión de las...
Available in: Español
Policy brief, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 58. This policy brief highlights the main findings of a study assessing the food security and livelihoods impacts of widespread agricultural interventions, primarily aiming at increasing agricultural yields. Results...
Available in:English
Policy brief, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 46. This policy brief is intended to sensitize Government decision makers and development partners, youth organizations and other stakeholders about the opportunities offered by applying a value chain approach...
Available in:English
Guidelines for practitioners
Manual/guidelines, 2022
This publication is intended to assist field practitioners, youth organizations and other stakeholders to identify binding constraints and viable opportunities to youth engagement in value chains that can translate into greater youth inclusion. Considering youth...
Available in:English
Innovation in family farming
Major report, 2014
More than 500 million family farms manage the majority of the world’s agricultural land and produce most of the world’s food. We need family farms to ensure global food security, to care for and protect...
Innovation in family farming
Major report, 2014
A shorter version of the FAO flagship publication The State of Food and Agriculture 2014, the In Brief is aimed at the media, policymakers and more general public.
Available in:English français Español
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