Instituto Agronómico Mediterráneo de Zaragoza (CIHEAM-IAMZ)

CIHEAM Zaragoza
The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (CIHEAM Zaragoza) is one of the four Institutes of the International Centre for Advanced Agronomic Mediterranean Studies (CIHEAM), together with Bari in Italy, Montpellier in France and Chania in Greece. IAMZ was founded in 1969, offering complementary quality and excellence in international training and cooperation through research project management based on CIHEAM Zaragoza’s five fields of expertise: Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Animal Production, Plant Production and Food Technology and Agro-food Marketing. CIHEAM Zaragoza has become consolidated as a point of reference for specialized international training in the agro-food sector. It is located on the Campus of Aula Dei, one of the largest and prestigious agricultural science complexes in Spain, strengthening synergies between the scientific community, firms and students.