Two regional workshops about AGRIS in the Republic of Moldova


19 October - 10.00 CEST

20 October - 09.00 CEST

The Republican Scientific Agricultural Library of the Technical University of Moldova with the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is organizing two regional workshops in Moldovan about AGRIS.

As AGRIS Country Hub, the library supports local research institutions, publishers, and librarians to increase awareness on the importance and benefits of the AGRIS system for agricultural research development in the Republic of Moldova and consolidate the capacity of enhancing the visibility, accessibility and usability of agricultural data and information in the country.

These two workshops are part of the AGRIS Country Hub activities. The first event will take place on 19 October at the Institute of Crop Science "Porumbeni". Corn breeding, hybrid seed production and higher biological categories are the main fields of research of the institute. The second event will be held on 20 October at the Research Institute of Field Crops "Selectia", which is one of the most important research institutions in the north of the country. The main activities of the institute focus on developing new field crop varieties, producing foundation seed, developing sustainable agricultural systems and environmentally-friendly technologies for production of field crops and organic products.

Supporting researchers in the region and improving their understanding and knowledge about AGRIS and the key principles of Open Science, are the main goals of these two events. The workshops will contribute to raising awareness about the complex nature of AGRIS and its impact on the scientific environment, data providers, young researchers and librarians, by providing answers to the following questions:

  • What is AGRIS? 
  • How can researchers increase the visibility and impact of their research?
  • How can research benefit from Open Access to agricultural information and data?
  • What are the roles and responsibilities of the AGRIS Country Hubs? 
  • What is the AGRIS Open Data Set (ODS)?
  • Why is it important to use the FAIR data principles?
  • What is the AGRIS Linked Open Data?

The facilitators of the events are Liudmila Costin, Library Director, Viorica Lupu, Library Deputy Director, and Vera Sobetchi, Head of the Methodology, Research and Library Training Center, Republican Scientific Agricultural Library.

For further information about the events, please send an email to [email protected]