Empowering Agricultural Research: Two Central American Universities Join AGRIS Network


The Universidad Técnica Nacional of Costa Rica and the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería of Nicaragua have recently joined AGRIS, contributing new scientific knowledge to agricultural research.

The Universidad Técnica Nacional (UTN) of Costa Rica, founded in 2008, stands out as the fifth public university in the country. Its research areas encompass veterinary assistance, agronomic engineering, aquaculture engineering, animal production systems engineering, forest management, and wildlife, among others.

Meanwhile, the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI) of Nicaragua, established in 1983, focuses on research areas related to natural resource management, rural development, development economics, and agri-food systems.

The active participation of UNI and UTN in agricultural research is presented as a step towards increasing the visibility of agricultural research in the region. Their inclusion in the AGRIS network strengthens content availability in the agricultural research field in Central America.