Universidad de Cuenca (UCUENCA)

The University of Cuenca is a public institution of Higher Education, which was created by Legislative Decree issued by the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of Ecuador, meeting in Congress on October 15, 1867, and sanctioned by the President of the Republic on the 18th of the same month and year. The University of Cuenca is an academic community, with its own legal status, academic, administrative, financial and organic autonomy, public law, secular, non-profit, pluralistic and open to all currents and forms of universal thought, funded by the State and is part of the Higher Education System of Ecuador. It is a public university of teaching and research, whose mission is to train professionals and scientists committed to improving the quality of life, in the context of interculturalism and in harmony with nature. The University bases its capacity to respond to the scientific and human challenges of the times on academic quality, creativity and innovation, and to fulfill its commitment to the construction of an equitable, supportive and efficient regional, national and international society.