Sociedad española de Biología de la Conservación de Plantas (SEBiCoP)

The Spanish Society of Plant Conservation Biology (SEBiCoP) is a society open to scientists, technicians, managers and all those interested in the conservation of biodiversity, especially wild flora.
Since its constitution in 2003, it has studied and defended the protection of biodiversity, has served as a forum for exchange and communication between plant conservationists and has acted as a collaborator and critical voice before the different Administrations responsible for the preservation of the natural heritage.
Conservación Vegetal is the official journal of SEBICOP, and it's the only Spanish-language publication in the world focused on plant conservation. For the past 26 years, the journal has published one issue annually, containing both scientific and popular articles. It's a non-profit and free-to-access publication, and all manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer review process before publication.