AGRIS engages in Science Visibility Panel in Cuba


AGRIS played a significant role in the Science Visibility panel at the 14th International Congress on Higher Education, University 2024. The event took place in Havana, Cuba on February 7th, under the theme "Higher Education of the Future: Social Transformation, Relevance, and Sustainability".

During the panel discussion, several platforms, such as AGRIS, Scielo, and DOAJ, were discussed for sharing experiences and developments related to scientific visibility. AGRIS's focal point in Cuba, Maidelyn Díaz, presented the progress and achievements of AGRIS in the Central America and Caribbean region. She also highlighted the immediate challenges that need to be addressed, including strengthening the AGRIS network, expanding alliances, supporting data providers, and improving language coverage in the region.

AGRIS' participation in this event demonstrates its dedication to improving the availability and exposure of science in the Southern Hemisphere countries. This continuous effort leads to the reinforcement of the AGRIS Network, the expansion of strategic partnerships, and the constant enhancement of its scientific contribution at national and international levels.