FAO introduces AGRIS to agricultural and food research institutions in Peru


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with its International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS) and the FAO Representation in Peru, recently organized a virtual presentation aimed at increasing the participation of institutions dedicated to agricultural and food research, thereby enhancing accessibility to technical and scientific information generated in the country.

At the beginning of the event, Mr. Fernando Castro, Projects Coordinator in Food Systems at FAO Peru, opened the event by highlighting the importance of expanding the generation and exchange of scientific knowledge, as well as its application in overcoming current challenges. He emphasized that this meeting was crucial for disseminating research in agriculture and food, and for promoting knowledge exchange globally.

During the session, Imma Subirats, FAO Officer and AGRIS coordinator provided a comprehensive overview of the system. She delved into the history of AGRIS and detailed ongoing initiatives in Latin America since 2022. In particular, Subirats addressed the current landscape of AGRIS in Peru and emphasized the need to enhance the visibility of institutions and their scientific production.

The event was attended by over 70 representatives from various Peruvian organizations dedicated to agricultural and food research, as well as distinguished FAO team members in Peru.

This FAO initiative represents a significant step forward in fostering a cohesive community to promote agricultural knowledge originating from Latin America, and to improve the visibility and accessibility of technical and scientific information produced in the region.