Promoting Accessibility to Scientific Information: AGRIS Meeting in Uruguay


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), through its International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS) and the FAO Representation in Uruguay, recently organized a virtual presentation aimed to bolster accessibility to technical and scientific information on food and agriculture.

At the event's opening, Mr. Gonzalo Kmaid, the representative of Uruguay's FAO, emphasized the significance of expanding access to knowledge and increasing the visibility of local research. He also stressed the importance of strategic collaboration between AGRIS and the FAO country offices to make this initiative successful.

During the session on the AGRIS system, Ms. Imma Subirats, the AGRIS Program Manager, offered a comprehensive overview. She delved into the system's history and detailed the ongoing initiatives in Latin America since 2022. Notably, Ms. Subirats underscored the current landscape of AGRIS in Uruguay, flagging the presence of only two data providers and emphasizing the pressing need for heightened visibility within the country.

The event also marked the official introduction of Mr. Cristhian Chisaba, Project Leader at the Library of the Francisco José de Caldas District University, as the coordinator of the AGRIS Center in Colombia, underscoring the collaborative spirit driving this initiative.

The event garnered participation from thirteen representatives hailing from diverse organizations. Among these were from the University of the Republic of Uruguay, the National Agency for Research and Innovation, the National Institute for Agricultural Research, and the FAO Uruguay team.

The AGRIS initiative represents a significant step towards fostering a connected Latin American agricultural knowledge community. It aims to improve the visibility and accessibility of technical and scientific information on the continent, showcasing a commitment to impactful partnerships that drive positive change in global agricultural practices.