Universidad de Ciencias Comerciales from Nicaragua joins AGRIS Network


We welcome the Universidad de Ciencias Comerciales de Nicaragua (UCC) to the International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), marking the beginning of enhancing the visibility of the country's technical and scientific agricultural production. Founded in 1964 as the Instituto de Ciencias Comerciales, the university has continually evolved to meet the demands of higher education.

In 2002, UCC expanded its vision by inaugurating the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and introducing the Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry program. This diversified approach indicates the university's commitment to academic excellence in various disciplines.

Thus, through its library, UCC has taken a significant step by becoming the second active AGRIS data provider in Nicaragua, reflecting the university's dedication to the management, conservation, and dissemination of high-quality scientific information.

The UCC repository covers a wide range of knowledge, from agricultural technologies and animal husbandry to research methodologies, medical sciences, the environment, labor economics, genetics, silviculture, and animal physiology, among others.

To explore these valuable resources, both users and data providers can access the information through the following link. This collaboration not only strengthens Nicaragua's presence in the global agricultural knowledge network but also enriches the diversity and quality of data available in AGRIS.