Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán-Huanuco from Peru, join the growing AGRIS Network


AGRIS extends a warm welcome to Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán (UNHV) from Huánuco, Peru, as the newest addition to the AGRIS Data Providers Network.

Established in 1961, UNHV has emerged as a prominent public university committed to excellence in education and research. Offering a diverse array of programs spanning social sciences, humanities, natural sciences, and engineering, the university plays a crucial role in shaping the intellectual landscape of Peru.

As the latest data provider from Peru, UNHV joins AGRIS, becoming the eighth data provider from the country and a part of the growing agricultural knowledge network from Latin America. The university's research fields, including grain, corn, hybrid corn, yellow corn, and yield, align with AGRIS's mission to consolidate and disseminate scientific agricultural information.

Both users and data providers can access all records through this link. We celebrate this collaboration, enhancing the Colombian presence in the global agricultural knowledge network. Welcome to AGRIS!