
You can search in the AGRIS website archive about news related to any topic around AGRIS.

  • Coming soon! The AGRIS Data Provider Survey

    Your feedback is valuable to us – help AGRIS improve by taking this short survey. Even as AGRIS approaches its 50th year, it strives to keep improving and evolving by listening to those who make up the AGRIS network and provide bibliographic content to the AGRIS database. This survey will present...

  • AGRIS statistics of the last 12 months

    The International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS) contributes knowledge and data, resulting in an enormous, multilingual bibliographic collection of food and agricultural scientific research, with data providers from 149 countries covering 90 languages. Over the past 12 months...

  • AGRIS Data Release November 2021

    1 391 new records were added to the AGRIS collection , which is now indexing 13 552 113 bibliographic references, including 4 251 datasets, from 458 data providers. AGRIS wishes to thank all the data providers who contributed to this release.

  • Russian Federation - AGRIS Country Hub

    Founded in 1930, the Central Scientific Agricultural Library (CSAL) is a Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution. The largest library in the Russian Federation, with more than three million items stored, CSAL generates electronic catalogues, abstract and full-text databases, and electronic...

  • Republic of Moldova - AGRIS Country Hub

    Established in 1933, the Republican Scientific Agricultural Library of the State Agrarian University of Moldova (RSAL SAUM) was the first university library in the Republic of Moldova. With a dual role in the national system of libraries, both as a university library and as a national information...