Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II (IAV Hassan II)

The AJLP&GS journal is under the umbrella of a network of excellence on land governance in Africa, which is a consortium of more than 50 universities dealing with issues related to land in Africa. It has the mission to promote training, research, and continuous training in Africa regarding all aspects related to land policy, land governance, land development, and geospatial sciences. It aims to encourage innovation, promote the exchange of knowledge and scientific outcomes related to its themes. The journal's target community is made-up of researchers, professors and professionals working in the field. The journal also aims to promote scientific articles and productions at the African, regional and global levels. The institutions as well as the international universities contribute in enriching by their contribution the scientific level of the journal. The journal can, among other things, deal with professional themes and good practices in the field of land governance.