AGRIS Country Hubs and panel discussion: Session 3, AGRIS Virtual Annual Conference 2022
Imma Subirats focuses on a special category of data providers -- AGRIS Country Hubs, their roles and responsibilities and how to become one. Imma...
How to join the AGRIS Network and its benefits: Session 2, AGRIS Virtual Annual Conference 2022
Valentina De Col and Hrijoy Bhattacharjee describe the AGRIS Network, including its evolution over the decades since the 1970s, its current...
What is new in AGRIS: Session 1, AGRIS Virtual Annual Conference 2022
Imma Subirats introduces AGRIS and its composition, outlines the evolution of its content and its usage statistics before focusing on the latest...
Hands-on demonstration on using Juris-M to create multilingual citations for AGRIS
Currently, there is a lack of free tools that support the creation and management of records describing multilingual resources. Juris-M is an...
Webinar of AGRIS in Central America
El seminario está dirigido a todos los usuarios que conozcan sobre AGRIS y a los que deseen saber más sobre este sistema y cómo ser parte de este...
Setting up Juris-M for metadata creation of multilingual resources in AGRIS
Currently, there is a lack of free tools that support the creation and management of records describing multilingual resources. Juris-M is an...
Introduction to AGRIS - AGRIS Virtual Annual Conference 2021 Session 1
The first session of the AGRIS Virtual Annual Conference 2021 introduced AGRIS and focused on the question: How does AGRIS facilitate knowledge...
Partnering with AGRIS - AGRIS Virtual Annual Conference 2021 Session 2
The second session of the AGRIS Virtual Annual Conference 2021 focused on the question: How can your organization benefit from AGRIS? This session, by...
Contributing to AGRIS - AGRIS Virtual Annual Conference 2021 Session 3
The third session of the AGRIS Virtual Annual Conference 2021 focused on the question: How can your organization contribute to AGRIS? Jointly...
AGRIS Webinar: Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for data discovery and integration
As part of the 2020 Annual AGRIS Community O nline Meeting, organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Carlos...