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Ici, vous trouverez tous les projets Agro-informatiques développés par la FAO.

Titre AgriTech Observatory
Résumé The FAO AgriTech Observatory is a virtual space that navigates users through ICT-based initiatives applied in agriculture across Europe and Central Asia.
Date de début 20/02/2024
Zones destinataires / cibles Albania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Macédoine du Nord, Montenegro, République de Moldova, Serbia, Tajikistan, Türkiye, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan
Titre Statistical Working System (SWS)
Résumé Since 2012, in line with the recommendations from the Independent Evaluation, FAO took the initiative to develop an internal Statistical Working System (SWS) for the “throughput” process and a Statistical Data Warehouse (SDW) for “output”, through the implementation of two distinct CAPEX projects to improve the efficiency of corporate statistical processes and the quality of statistical outputs.
Date de début 31/12/2011
Titre Food Price Monitoring and Analysis (FPMA) Domestic Market Prices
Résumé The FPMA tool, a major component of the FPMA activity, provides the latest information and analysis on domestic prices of basic foods mainly in developing countries, complementing FAO analysis on international markets. It also provides early warning on high food prices at country level that may negatively affect food security.
Date de début 31/12/2009
Titre Rift Valley fever (RVF) Early Warning Decision Support Tool (RVF DST)
Résumé The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has developed a web-based Rift Valley fever (RVF) Early Warning Decision Support Tool (RVF DST), which integrates near real-time RVF risk maps with geospatial data, RVF historical and current disease events from EMPRES Global Animal Disease Information System (EMPRES-i) and expert knowledge on RVF eco-epidemiology.
Date de début 31/08/2019
Titre FAO Climate Risk Toolbox (CRTB)
Résumé The Climate Risk Toolbox (CRTB) has been developed to promote the identification of climate risk hotspots around the world and to support the "climate-proofing" of FAO programmes and projects.
Date de début 06/01/2022
Titre EMPRES-i
Résumé EMPRES Global Animal Disease Information System (EMPRES-i) is a web-based application that has been designed by FAO’s Emergency Prevention System (EMPRES) to support veterinary services by facilitating the organization and access to national, regional and global level disease data and information.
Date de début 31/12/2003
Titre WaPOR
Résumé Achieving Food Security in the future while using water resources in a sustainable manner is a major challenge for us and the next generations. Agriculture being a key water user, a careful monitoring of water productivity in this sector and exploring opportunities to increase it are required. The WaPOR portal provides publicly accessible, near real-time data to monitor agricultural water productivity, using innovative satellite technology.
Date de début 30/01/2021
Date de fin 30/12/2025
Code de projet GCP /INT/729/NET
Titre Digital Services Portfolio (DSP)
Résumé The FAO Digital Services Portfolio (DSP) is a cloud based platform designed to disseminate information in the food and agriculture and related sectors and scale up agricultural services for smallholders and family farmers, fostering digital inclusion.
Date de début 31/12/2016
Titre Domestic Animal Diversity Information System (DAD-IS)
Résumé DAD-IS is the Domestic Animal Diversity Information System maintained and developed by FAO. It provides you with access to searchable databases of breed-related information and photos and links to other online resources on livestock diversity. Furthermore, you can find the contact information of all National Coordinators for the Management of Animal Genetic Resources.
Date de début 31/12/2019
Titre Hand-in-Hand Geospatial Platform
Résumé The Hand-in-Hand Geospatial Platform, led by the Digitalization and Informatics Division's Agroinformatics team, is a digital public good that helps analyze and compare data on food and agriculture, so that interventions can be more targeted to reduce poverty, hunger and increase economic development.
Date de début 30/06/2020