

Titre complet du projet EMPRES-i
Date de début 31/12/2003
Avancement Ongoing
Objectif / But
With EMPRES-i, you will be able to develop strategies for prevention of animal diseases, as well those for progressive control and improved management of veterinary services.
Les partenaires
EMPRES-i also integrates data from other databases, i.e. livestock density or environmental layers from FAO databases, e.g,  the Global Livestock Production and Health Atlas, GLiPHA (user-friendly, highly interactive electronic atlas using the Key Indicator Data System (KIDS) and from other systems.
EMPRES-i team receives information about disease events worldwide from different sources: country or regional project reports, field mission reports, partner Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), cooperating institutions, government Ministries of Agriculture and Health, FAO in-country representations or other United Nations parties, public domains, the media and web-based health surveillance systems.
EMPRES-i provides up to date information on the global animal disease distribution and current threats at national, regional and global level. 'Disease Events' can be presented on a map and further analyzed by choosing from a variety of optional layers.
Contacts [email protected]