Webinar@AIMS_VocBench 3: some insights on the forthcoming release


Initially developed by FAO of the UN in the context of the NeOn project as a collaborative environment for the development of the AGROVOC thesaurus, later generalized to a SKOS-XLdevelopment platform in the context of a collaboration with the University of Rome Tor Vergata, VocBench is now reaching its third incarnation.

VocBench 3 (or simply, VB3), is the new version of VocBench, funded by the European Commission ISA² programme, and with development managed by the Publications Office of the EU, under contract 10632 (Infeurope S.A.).

VB3 will offer a powerful editing environment, with facilities for collaborative management of OWL ontologies and SKOS/SKOS-XL thesauri. VB3 will surpass its predecessor with native support for OWL, SKOS and SKOS-XL, completely rewritten components for better User Interface, User Management, History Tracking and Validation&Publication Workflow.

This webinar can be a good occasion for being introduced to the platform for the first time or for learning about the improvements that VB3 is bringing over its predecessors.

Webinar slides on SlideShare 

You can see a comparison between VocBench 2 and VocBench 3 here: http://vocbench.uniroma2.it/doc/vb2_vs_vb3.jsf

Armando Stellato

PhD, is Researcher at the University of Rome, Tor Vergata, where he carries on research and teaching in the fields of Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Based Systems. He is author of more than 80 publications on conferences and journals in the fields of Semantic Web, Natural Language Processing and related areas and has been member of the program committees of over 80 international scientific conferences and workshops. Currently his main interests cover Architecture Design for Knowledge Based Systems, Knowledge Acquisition and Onto-Linguistic interfaces, for which he participated to several EU funded projects, such as Crossmarc, MOSES, Cuspis, Diligent, Neon, INSEARCH, SCIDIP-ES, AgInfra SemaGrow. Dr. Stellato has also been consultant at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations as Semantic Architect, working on all aspects related to maintenance and publication of FAO RDF vocabularies such as AGROVOC thesaurus, Biotech and Journal Authority Data and on the development of VocBench: an Application for Collaborative Management of RDF Vocabularies.

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