New concepts added to AGROVOC. October 2022 


45 new concepts have been added to the AGROVOC multilingual thesaurus which now contains 40 566 concepts. To consult the list of new or updated labels per language you can visit the FAO CKAN Repository 

The AGROVOC Editorial Community thanks those who contributed to this release.

New AGROVOC concepts

  • adrenergic receptors
  • benefit-sharing mechanisms
  • bioscrubbers
  • cavia
  • chemotherapeutants
  • coefficient of infection
  • coefficient of variation
  • cost recovery
  • defensins
  • domestic water
  • ecogeographical analysis
  • ecogeography
  • economic recession
  • farmer-led irrigation
  • fish tracking
  • gene tagging
  • groundwater irrigation
  • groundwater management
  • inclusive growth
  • institution building
  • integrated markets
  • irrigation efficiency
  • lithologic discontinuities
  • luminescent immunoassays
  • market demand
  • material flow analysis
  • microalgae
  • molecular characterization
  • net protein utilization
  • phytogeographic regions
  • phytogeography
  • protein efficiency ratio
  • pulsed lighting
  • rotary mowers
  • scrubbers
  • social parasitism
  • specific dynamic action
  • tube wells
  • water demand
  • water markets
  • water sharing
  • watercourses
  • weather index insurance
  • zoogeographic regions
  • zoogeography

You can search for these terms at AGROVOC.