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FAO/Olivier Thuillier

Beer is one of the ancient beverage known today the first mentions of which is ten thousand years old. After such an abyss of time, one can only guess how beer appeared. However, it is clear that the culture of brewing is heavily linked with the culture of agriculture. Two out of three ingredients (malt and hops) are produced from agriculture. At our core malt is a sprouted grain prepared using a special technology. Almost any grain can be used to produce malt, but practice shows that for growing it is best to use rye or barley. Hops are the dried, flowering part of the hop plant. They are commonly used in brewing beer and as flavoring components in foods. Both Grains and Hops can be harvested in late July, August or early September. During its history, mankind has abandoned many customs, the life of Homo Sapiens has changed beyond recognition, but beer remains its constant companion.

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