
You can search in the AGROVOC website archive about news related to any topic around AGROVOC.

  • Monthly updates of new AGROVOC concepts and terms

    Starting from October 2022, a relevant set of information on new and modified labels, and new and modified definitions organized by language and month, will be published every month on the FAO CKAN repository . The complete list of new concepts added to AGROVOC will be also published in a monthly release on the news section of the AGROVOC website (read here the first release). Visit every month...

  • Call for expression of interest dedicated to AGROVOC

    The Partnerships and UN Collaboration Division (PSU) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is looking for Consultants or PSAs to provide technical support for content development and enhancement of the AGROVOC multilingual agricultural thesaurus. The consultants or PSAs should focus on one or more of the thematic areas such as nutrition, biotechnology, agroecology...

  • New concepts added to AGROVOC. October 2022 

    45 new concepts have been added to the AGROVOC multilingual thesaurus which now contains 40 566 concepts. To consult the list of new or updated labels per language you can visit the FAO CKAN Repository . The AGROVOC Editorial Community thanks those who contributed to this release. New AGROVOC concepts adrenergic receptors benefit-sharing mechanisms bioscrubbers cavia chemotherapeutants coefficient...

  • October 2022: New release of AGROVOC Thesaurus

    The October 2022 version of the AGROVOC thesaurus has been released. It now contains 40 566 concepts and more than 958 000 terms, in up to 41 languages. The AGROVOC team thanks all the AGROVOC editors who have contributed to the addition of concepts, terms and other contents. Learn more about the AGROVOC editors here .

  • Annual AGROVOC Editorial Community Meeting 2022

    Organized by the Partnerships and UN Collaboration Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) , the 5th Annual AGROVOC Editorial Community Meeting took place online on Tuesday 19 July 2022, bringing together 50 participants from more than 20 countries and organizations. The main objectives of the meeting were to revise the work carried out during the last months and to define...