
You can search in the AGROVOC website archive about news related to any topic around AGROVOC.

  • IGAD Online Meeting ‘Semantics’ Session - Registration is still available

    The Research Data Alliance (RDA) Interest Group on Agricultural Data (IGAD) meeting focusing on IGAD/RDA : Sharing Experiences and Creating Digital Dialogues , which was set to be held in Rome (Italy) in April 2020 is now taking place as a virtual meeting which began on, May 25 to May 28. The virtual meeting will provide an online platform to continue to build upon collaborations, knowledge...

  • Subscribe today - Stay up to date with AIMS communication channels

    There are many online communication tools and channels readily available highlighting all areas of AIMS interests and initiatives, keeping subscribers up to date on all of the latest knowledge, information, data sharing and more. One of the main communication channels are tailored electronic mailing lists, individualized to distribute updates surrounding each of the AIMS community initiatives...

  • May 2020 AGROVOC Thesaurus now with 37,137 concepts and 748,451 terms, in up to 38 languages

    The May 2020 version of the AGROVOC thesaurus has been released now boasting 37,137 concepts and 748,451 terms , in up to 38 languages. The AGROVOC team wishes to thank all of the AGROVOC editors, helping to contribute to the addition of concepts, terms and languages. Learn more information about the AGROVOC editors here . Recently, following a request for more specific terminology on COVID-19...

  • Reminder: Call for Good Practices, Achievements and Lessons Learned Utilizing Scientific Information and Digital Data on Food and Agriculture via AIMS Community Assets

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)’ s Scientific Information and Digital Data for Innovation team through the Agricultural Information Management Standards (AIMS) is calling for submissions of good practices, success stories and lessons learned after utilizing scientific information and digital data on food and agriculture via one, or multiple of the innovative tools...

  • AGROVOC Adds New Concepts Related to COVID-19

    Following a request for more specific terminology on COVID-19, AGROVOC has added new concepts related to the current world health crisis in an extra release on 10 April. This extra release is helpful for those cataloguing, especially as there is a plethora of research being done at the same time on the same topic. AGROVOC already had the concepts Coronavirus and pandemics, but has now added...