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Énergie renouvelable

FAO/Alessia Pierdomenico

Les énergies renouvelables, comme l'affirment les experts, sont une solution durable pour la sécurité énergétique, ce qui est une nécessité vitale pour l'humanité. Elles ont moins d’effet sur le changement climatique car elles n’émettent pas ou peu de gaz à effet de serre, contrairement aux combustibles fossiles.

  • Sustainable production

    Sustainable production refers to creating goods or services while minimizing negative environmental, social, and economic impacts. It involves responsible resource...

  • Sustainable Development Goals

    The Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives...

  • Electricity generators

    Electricity generators are used in all areas of activity where it is necessary to ensure the continuity or autonomy of...

  • Innovation systems

    Network of organizations, communities, enterprises and individuals within which changes fostering transitions to sustainable food systems for food security and...

  • Antimicrobial resistance

    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurs when germs, such as bacteria, develop resistance to drugs. With increased antibiotics use, and resistance in...