

  • The role of AGROVOC in the discovery of agricultural information and data in the Republic of Moldova

    On 8 June 2021 the second edition of the online Round Table was organized by the Republican Scientific Agricultural Library of the State Agrarian University of Moldova in collaboration with FAO. The round table was dedicated to discussions on facilitating access and increasing the visibility of the Moldovan agricultural scientific results in the context of AGRIS and AGROVOC. During the meeting...

  • FAO cooperates with CGIAR to increase interoperability between food and agricultural information systems

    FAO and CGIAR have established a collaboration to enhance data sharing in the food and agricultural domain through the further use and enhancement of the AGROVOC Thesaurus, a multilingual controlled vocabulary that covers terminology related to FAO’s areas of interest. AGROVOC is a valuable tool to classify data homogeneously, facilitate interoperability and reuse. It can ease the collection...

  • Meet the AGROVOC editorial community

    An interview with Zuzana Horváthová, Information Officer at the Centre of Information Services and Technologies (CISaT) at Agroinštitút Nitra, and part of the AGROVOC editorial community as an editor of Slovak.

  • 2021年6月:新版多语种农业词汇汇编(AGROVOC)

    2021年6月版AGROVOC现已发布。现在其中包含39100个概念和826000个术语,多达40种语言。AGROVOC团队感谢所有为增加概念、术语和其他内容做出贡献的AGROVOC编辑。点击 此处 了解更多关于AGROVOC编辑人员的信息。