FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean


2030 Food, agriculture and rural development in Latin America and the Caribbean

May 18, 2023, 20:38 PM
Within the context of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), undertook a process of reflection on the future of agriculture, food systems and rural areas of Latin America and the Caribbean. It was a dialogue that involved a hundred experts from a score of nationalities, from academia, research centers, international organizations, other UN agencies, and the FAO itself.
Title : 2030 Food, agriculture and rural development in Latin America and the Caribbean
Link to External Url : https://www.fao.org/americas/publicaciones-audio-video/serie2030/en/
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*Publication Date : May 18, 2023, 12:00 PM
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Boletín de publicaciones 2023 ( In Spanish)

Mariela Ramírez

Publications Unit Coordinator