Lymer, D., Funge-Smith, S. (eds.) (2008). Handbook on Regional Fishery Bodies and Arrangements in Asia and the Pacific. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand. RAP Publication 2009/07, 61 pp.  Fishery production in the Asia-Pacific region continues to rise and remains an important contributor to the nutrition and food security of many countries in this region. In recognition of this, the 30th Session of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) concluded that cooperation...


This handbook provides a convenient summary of regional and subregional bodies and arrangements concerned with sustainable fisheries and aquaculture development. It includes information on a selection of “environmental/fisheries” arrangements.

Regional forum and symposia


This is the report of the Seventh Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) Regional Consultative Forum Meeting (RCFM) on Sustainable Development for Resilient Blue Growth of Fisheries and Aquaculture. The meeting was convened in Cebu, Philippines from 7 May to 9 May 2018 and was attended by 80 participants from 16 countries, together with representatives from ten regional and international partner organizations and projects. The key conclusions and recommendations endorsed by the Seventh RCFM are summarized...


This is the final report of the Sixth Asia Pacific Fisheries Commission (APFIC) Regional Consultative Forum Meeting (RCFM) convened in Colombo, Sri Lanka, 8-10 February 2016 under the theme “Promoting Blue Growth in fisheries and aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region”. The “Blue Sectors” of fisheries and aquaculture make a significant contribution to food and nutrition security and the livelihoods of millions in the Asia Pacific Region. The meeting heard how these sectors face a...


Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission. 2014. Report of the Fifth Regional Consultative Forum Meeting, Responsible management of fisheries and aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific, Hyderabad, India, 19–21 June 2014. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand, RAP Publication 2014/23, 86 p.    The Fifth Regional Consultative Forum Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (Fifth RCFM) “Responsible management of fisheries and aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific” was hosted by the Government of India and convened in Hyderabad, India,...