Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission

APFIC training courses

Under the APFIC agreement, the Commission is tasked to promote programmes "to encourage, recommend, coordinate and, as appropriate, undertake training and extension activities in all aspects of fisheries" (this includes aquaculture).

APFIC Secretariat has sought to develop a coordinated Regional Technical Cooperation Programme to support the above capacity building efforts in member countries. As a fundamental article of the APFIC agreement, APFIC has a clear mandate to support and encourage the effective management of fisheries and aquaculture amongst its member countries, and particularly within its geographical area of competence.

The development of common, regionally-relevant, training tools and advisory material and guidelines is part of this mandate. The development of training is undertaken through a combined approach of regional workshops, consensus building and use of expert trainers and resource persons. These training and advisory resources are typically developed in collaboration with FAO regional and global programmes/projects and regional partner organizations, which share common goals with APFIC.

Trawl Management

Effective fishery management in Asia is more critical than ever, now that the region is passing from four decades of expansion and increased production to an era of overcapacity, overexploitation and unsustainable practices. The high growth in capture fishery production achieved during these past decades is due to increases in fishing effort, including gear modification and speed of trawling, an expansion of the geographical range of fishing activities, and the retention of most animals...


Trawl fisheries are an important component of the capture fisheries sector in Malaysia. Although small in terms of percentage of licenses issued (11.79%), their significance is underlined by their contribution to the overall landings (48.19%), as shown in the table below for the year 2011.


The Western Bay of Bengal (WBoB) trawl fishery is typically a tropical multispecies mixed fishery with a history of commercial exploitation since early 1960s. The nature of fishing changed dramatically with the introduction of trawlers. In the last 50 years, trawlers have become immensely popular and have emerged as the most important fishing craft in the region. The trawl fishery extends from 8oN (off Kanyakumari on the south) to 22oN (off Sunderbans in the...

EAFM Inland Fisheries

This Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries management training course (Inland Fisheries) is designed as a complete training course for the sustainable management of inland fisheries using the ecosystem approach. It is targeted at middle-level fishery and environment officers, extension workers, facilitators and other stakeholders engaged in the planning and management of inland fisheries. This training course is designed to be applicable to many inland fishery contexts around the world (including overlapping freshwater fishery and aquaculture...


This Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries management training course (Inland Fisheries) is designed as a complete training course for the sustainable management of inland fisheries using the ecosystem approach. It is targeted at middle-level fishery and environment officers, extension workers, facilitators and other stakeholders engaged in the planning and management of inland fisheries. This training course is designed to be applicable to many inland fishery contexts around the world (including overlapping freshwater fishery and aquaculture...


This Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries management training course (Inland Fisheries) is designed as a complete training course for the sustainable management of inland fisheries using the ecosystem approach. It is targeted at middle-level fishery and environment officers, extension workers, facilitators and other stakeholders engaged in the planning and management of inland fisheries.This training course is designed to be applicable to many inland fishery contexts around the world (including overlapping freshwater fishery/aquaculture systems). It is...

EAFM Marine Fisheries

While support for an ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM) has long been recognized, progress in its implementation in the Asia-Pacific region has been slow. This is due in part to a lack of relevant skills by fisheries managers in applying an integrated and holistic approach to fisheries management. These are training course presentations.


While support for an ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM) has long been recognized, progress in its implementation in the Asia-Pacific region has been slow. This is due in part to a lack of relevant skills by fisheries managers in applying an integrated and holistic approach to fisheries management. These are trainers course notes


While support for an ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM) has long been recognized, progress in its implementation in the Asia-Pacific region has been slow. This is due in part to a lack of relevant skills by fisheries managers in applying an integrated and holistic approach to fisheries management. These are training course presentations.

Port inspection training

This Port Inspection Technical Guide was developed as part of the APFIC Regional Training course for Port Inspections. The technical guide provides the background to the course material and the powerpoint lectures, as well as the hands-on activities which are part of the training course. The objectives of this technical guide are to provide a resource to support workshop style training in fishing vessel port inspections and to support implementation and enforcement of Port State measures.


The "Port Inspection Workshop - trainers workbook" is a trainers version of the workbook provided to the Port Inspection trainees. It contains additional notes to assist the workshop trainer in orienting the trainees as they undertake the the individual and group exercises during the port Inspection training workshop. This trainers workbook should not be provided to the trainees.


APFIC was requested by member countries to assist in developing regional guidance and capacity building in the implementation of Port State Measures. As part of this commitment, APFIC and FAO with the assistance of the Department of Fisheries Thailand, have developed a "Port Inspection Training" course. This volume is the activity guide for the training course.