Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission

Statistics and sector overviews

This is a curated collection of technical documents that are sector overviews or related to improvment of statistics for capture fisheries and aquaculture in the APFIC region.

China’s surface waters cover 20.6 million ha. With increasing economic development, the role of inland capture fisheries in the social economy has changed. Due to issuance of various fishing ban policies and the strengthening of enforcement actions, inland capture fisheries production has dropped sharply since 2016. However, even though aquaculture production has massively increased, high-quality aquatic products from natural waters are still highly sought after by consumers.


  Inland capture fisheries provide a valuable contribution to food security in the Mekong Basin. However, official national estimates of this contribution have consistently been lower than estimates derived from more focused and localized fishery surveys. Thus, inland capture fisheries are undervalued by decision makers and development agencies. The poor state of knowledge on inland fisheries arises from the diverse nature of inland fisheries, that fisheries are often small-scale and dispersed over large areas, that...


 Coates, D. 2002. Inland capture fishery statistics of Southeast Asia: Current status and information needs. Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission, Bangkok, Thailand. RAP Publication No. 2002/11, 114 p. Inland capture fisheries in Southeast Asia are characterised by great diversity in the range of gears used, types of environments in which they are used and the socially and culturally complex societies within which they operate. This presents unique problems for the collection of inland fisheries statistics. This report...