
The method for calculating evapotranspiration is based on the ETLook model developed by eLEAF in 2010.

The method for calculating total biomass production is based on the C-Fix model.

The code in the pywapor.et_look_v2 module of this repository, containing all core physical functions used by ETLook, was written by Henk Pelgrum (eLEAF) and Rutger Kassies (eLEAF).

The remaining modules have been developed by Bert Coerver (FAO), Tim Hessels (WaterSat), and, in the framework of the ESA-funded ET4FAO project, Radoslaw Guzinski (DHI-GRAS), Hector Nieto (Complutig) and Laust Faerch (DHI-GRAS).