
Code to run the ETLook model.

main(input_data, et_look_version='v2', export_vars='default', chunks={'time_bins': -1, 'x': 500, 'y': 500})

Runs the ETLook model over the provided input data.

  • input_data (str | xr.Dataset) – Dataset generated by pywapor.pre_et_look.

  • et_look_version ("v2" | "v3", optional) – Which version of the ETLook model to use, by default “v2”.

  • export_vars ("default" | "all" | list, optional) – Specify which variables to save inside the output file. “Default” stores int_mm, t_24_mm, e_24_mm, et_24_mm, et_ref_24_mm, se_root, biomass_prod, epoch_ends and epoch_starts. “all” stores all calculated variables. Use a list to specify a custom output set, by default “default”.

  • chunks (dict, optional) – Specify how the calculations are split up. Increase chunk sizes to speed up calculation, decrease to use less RAM, by default {“time”: 1, “x”: 1000, “y”: 1000}.


Dataset with variables selected through export_vars.

Return type
