FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific



This report suggests a practical process in four steps, through which the recommendations can be articulated at different scales (from regional to local) and adapted to the specific context, priorities and needs of various forest types, countries and categories of actors.


This regional study and four country case studies – Cambodia, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Viet Nam – found that significant progress has been made, but also uncovered some surprising and challenging questions.


A joint publication of FAO, AO, SAC, AFA , COOP, this Regional Action Plan aims at facilitating and accelerating the process of developing national action plans through inclusive multi-stakeholder processes, not only putting family farmers at the centre but recognizing them as critical partners.


Techniques described in this brochure helped to limit the spread of pathogens and improved farm performance.


This report looks at rural livelihood and agricultural market chains as a critical component of the country’s food security capacity, and the related effects to it of the community restrictions imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Here is a story of a farmer whose passion and resolve made it possible to form one of the most successful farmer groups in the country.


This brochure summarizes data on food consumption, demography and food prices in Vanuatu.


This book focuses on- family farming’s constraints, challenges, opportunities, and government policies to contribute on attaining the targets of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at country and South Asia regional levels.


With NACA, country assessment studies were carried out by seven national experts in seven selected countries--Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Viet Nam.


The case studies present current evidence and experiences from the region and give an overview of co-management application and performance.