Reporting misconduct
If you have witnessed or possess information regarding misconduct involving FAO personnel or entities the Organization has entered into a contract or agreement with, OIG urges you to report the matter using the dedicated, confidential channels listed on this page. OIG takes allegations of misconduct seriously and is committed to thoroughly investigating each credible case.
Ensuring safety and confidentiality: understanding the investigative process

If you are considering reporting misconduct but are unsure about the outcome and steps involved, here is what you need to know.
- Intake assessment: OIGI carefully assesses your complaint and determines if it involves an allegation of misconduct and the most appropriate way to address it.
- Preliminary review and investigation: If your complaint contains allegations of misconduct within OIG’s investigative mandate, a thorough and fair review will be conducted to gather as much evidence as possible to determine what happened.
- Final report and decision: If OIGI finds there was misconduct, an investigation report will be issued to the Director-General or delegated authority with OIGI’s findings and conclusions. Everyone who submits a complaint is informed when a case is closed; however, specific findings and the results of the investigation are kept strictly confidential and only shared with those who have a strict need to know.
While OIG cannot guarantee specific outcomes, fairness, impartiality and transparency throughout the process will be ensured.
You can refer to the FAO Investigation Guidelines for details of OIG’s investigative practices. Feel free to contact OIG if you have questions. OIG is there to support you.
OIG is dedicated to ensuring an environment where anyone can safely raise concerns about potential misconduct in FAO's operations. OIG takes every report of alleged misconduct seriously, welcoming all information, regardless of its source. While OIG provides an option for anonymous reporting, OIG encourages those with information about potential misconduct to identify themselves. Maintaining confidentiality is a top priority, and FAO has implemented strong measures to protect those coming forward from retaliation.
The Whistleblower Protection Policy (WPP) states that anyone bringing forward concerns of potential misconduct is protected from retaliation. Potential retaliation includes adverse actions related to employment or working conditions, such as dismissal, demotion, reassignment, or any other form of discriminatory treatment.
WPP extends to anyone who cooperates with an authorized oversight activity, including an OIG investigation. Retaliation is itself a serious form of misconduct, that if proved following an investigation, could warrant disciplinary measures, including dismissal.
OIG urges you to be as detailed as possible when reporting misconduct: the specifics of 'who', 'what', 'where', 'when' and 'how' significantly aid our investigation process. You can trust OIG’s unwavering commitment to respect, confidentiality and fairness.
In OIG’s efforts to treat every individual with dignity, it has instituted the following rules to safeguard the rights of everyone involved in the investigation process:
- OIG welcomes and accepts anonymous reports of potential misconduct.
- OIG staff are duty-bound to uphold the confidentiality of the investigative process including the identities of witnesses and sources of information, and only share such information when reasonably required as part of its investigative activities.
How to report misconduct?
Clicking on the link above you will be redirected to an independent third-party site. FAO’s Hotline is managed by an independent service provider on behalf of FAO to protect your confidentiality and can be directly accessed worldwide, free of charge.
By telephone
Click here for worldwide numbers (interpreters available 24 hours/day)
By email
Email directly to OIGI at: [email protected]
Regular mail
Office of the Inspector General
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy
In person
Office of the Inspector General in Rome