
FAO in Bhutan

Bhutan became a member of the FAO in 1981, and the country office was set up in the mid-1980s. The Food and Agriculture Organization is dedicated to providing extensive support to member countries. In Bhutan, this includes Technical Cooperation Programs, regional initiatives, and both bilateral and multilateral programs. For the 13th Five-Year Plan, the FAO aims to mobilize approximately USD 83 million through various projects. Additionally, FAO Bhutan serves as the Government Accredited Entity, enabling access to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for a water project and the Global Environment Facility (GEF 8 STAR) Allocation.

In his visit to the country, the Country representative for Bhutan and Nepal Mr Ken Shimizu met with the new Cabinet members of the Royal Government of Bhutan forging new partnerships and collaborations. 
As part of the FAO TCP project - Accelerated Recovery from COVID-19 Pandemic through Digitalization of Peri-Urban and Urban Farming (PUUP), the FAO Representative for Bhutan and Nepal Mr Ken Shimizu, handed over a drone to Director Yonten Gyamtsho of the Department of Agriculture in the presence of His Excellency Sanam Lyonpo and Dasho Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

CPF Bhutan

Of the Country programming Framework target of USD 83 million, currently, FAO Bhutan has secured approximately USD 16 million, with an additional USD 42 million in the pipeline. Furthermore, approximately USD 25 million is presently under soft commitment.

Facilitating a transboundary governmental approach to address threats to a species

This case study delves into the transformative efforts of the global snow leopard and ecosystems protection program (GSLEP) towards fostering unity among snow leopard range country governments, non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations, local communities, and the private sector through a transboundary holistic approach and a collective embraced vision to conserve snow leopards and their valuable high-mountain ecosystems, including addressing conservation conflicts.

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FAO Bhutan

UN House
Peling Lam, Kawajangsa,
Thimphu, Bhutan

[email protected]