
Quinoa Training for Agriculture Extension Staff in the east

quinoa farm

Quinoa has been identified as a priority crop under FAO's One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) initiative.

©Namgay Wangdi/DAMC


Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa wild) has been successfully adapted in Bhutan under different agroecological zones. The production technologies including suitable varieties have also been identified and packaged. However, the commercial scale cultivation of Quinoa has not fully picked up. Given the suitable agroclimatic conditions that favors the commercial scale cultivation and production of quinoa, it has been identified as a priority crop under the Flagship Project of the FAO termed as One Country One Priority Product (OCOP). Further Quinoa has been selected as the priority commodity in the 13th FYP with total production target of 2360 MT.

This target has been distributed to 14 potential Dzongkhags. To facilitate the achievement of the planned targets two days, the Training of the Trainers was organized to refresh the extension staff on the production technologies and issues related to Quinoa production, marketing and utilization, promoting it as a key crop for Bhutan's future food security and economic development.

The training was supported by FAO's Flexible Voluntary Contribution Project.