FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium

Agricultural Outlook Conference 2022: European and global perspectives


The EU Agricultural Outlook conference is the flagship annual event of the EU Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development. This year, the event gathered a broad range of stakeholders to discuss policy and solutions, focusing on European agriculture, but also including sessions where the global perspective was discussed.

The conference opened with a speech by European Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski, who touched on the many issues currently affecting farming communities: from fertilizer prices to inflation, and from the generational gap in agriculture to the implementation of strategic plans at country level, due to start in 2023 in EU member countries. The EU Commissioner also talked about the looming threat of hunger, as testified by the latest reports from the Global Network against Food Crises, and the devastating results of climate change on crops around the world.

The Conference was the occasion for the launch of the Agricultural Outlook report 2022-2032, which provides a medium-term outlook analysis for production, consumption and trade in the arable crops, dairy and meat sectors in the European Union, in addition to agricultural income. It is based on a set of assumptions regarding macroeconomic conditions, the fixed agricultural and trade policy environment, and international market developments based on the latest OECD-FAO outlook.

You can learn more about this event here