FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium

Discussion with the regions: FAO's strategic partnership with the EU


During the month of November, the FAO Brussels Office and the FAO Resource Mobilization and Private Sector Partnerships Division held a series of dialogues with FAO regional, sub-regional and country representatives from Africa, the Near East, Europe and Central Asia. These interactive virtual exchanges presented new European Union policies and priorities, including the European Green Deal and its flagship initiatives, and discussed best practices in engaging and building strategic dialogues and partnership with the EU to deliver strong results on the ground.

FAO Brussels Director Rodrigo de Lapuerta presented the EU’s global and regional policy frameworks and strategies, shared the latest information about the programming and the EU budget 2021-2027, known as the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). He also underscored the importance of a policy dialogue with the EU and stressed that FAO Brussels is keen to offer visibility to the EU-funded success stories and good practices around the world.

While giving an overview of the current EU-FAO cooperation in the specific regions, FAO Resource Mobilization and Private Sector Partnerships Director Alex Jones emphasized the relevance of building a strong partnership, maintaining a constant dialogue and mainstreaming joint priorities with the European Union.