FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium

EU and FAO: A sound and growing partnership


The partnership between the European Union and FAO is strong and driven by a common vision and goals, as evidenced by their ongoing strategic dialogue and focus on eradicating extreme poverty, hunger and malnutrition.

The upward trend in the EU’s voluntary contributions in recent years has enabled FAO to work extensively across the globe and in those regions where assistance is most needed, concentrating its work in a number of related areas—including nutrition and food systems, emergency and resilience, value chains and investments, food safety and security, sustainable agriculture, disease and pest control, land tenure, soil management and the fight against illegal fisheries, desertification and deforestation. The EU was FAO’s top resource partner for the year 2019 with a contribution of USD 329 million to around 50 programmes and initiatives bringing positive change all around the world.