FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium

EU and FAO: Making a long-standing partnership even stronger


The EU and FAO interact in nearly all areas of FAO’s mandate. Thematically, this includes work on food security, agriculture, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry, food safety, food crises and resilience, as well as biodiversity, climate change, land management, and (plant and animal) pests and diseases. Both partners have been engaged in a continuous dialogue surrounding their shared aim to eradicate poverty, hunger and malnutrition, while fulfilling the objectives stemming from Agenda 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement.

In 2017, this continued dialogue between both institutions culminated in the first ever global EU Commission-FAO Strategic Dialogue, enabling both partners to intensify their collaboration and partnership. A new strategic dialogue is due to be held in March, to reflect on short and mid-term cooperation priorities and strengthen the relations between the EU and FAO in view of global developments and policy changes.