FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium

EU makes pledges and commitments ahead of UN Food Systems Summit


European Union Ministers of Agriculture and Fisheries approved Council Conclusions on the EU’s priorities for the United Nations Food Systems Summit, which will take place in New York in September. They agreed on the significance of the Summit as a “landmark event and a real opportunity to reshape food systems at the global level.” 

The Conclusions set out six thematic priorities:

1.       Strengthening sustainability and resilience
2.       Promoting healthy diets through sustainable food systems
3.       Strengthening food safety and public health
4.       Contributing to the sustainability and resilience of food systems through trade
5.       New finance solutions and business models
6.       Improving scientific knowledge and ensuring a strong science–policy interface

The Conclusions further reinforced the European Union’s readiness to share its knowledge, expertise and experience through alliances and partnerships. According to the text, the EU remains committed to its ongoing efforts to develop a sustainable and resilient EU food system through its Green Deal and Farm to Fork Strategy. These involve a number of pledges for the short and medium-term, including many in the areas of FAO’s mandate – for example on the development of an EU legislative framework for sustainable food systems; the preparation, together with all relevant stakeholders, of a Code of Conduct for responsible business and marketing practice; and targets on food waste reduction and the development of Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture.

The document also highlighted several EU programmes, plans and initiatives, including measures to increase the EUʼs agricultural land under organic farming, the launch of initiatives in the context of Horizon Europe, an EU carbon farming initiative for certifying carbon removals, and many others. Special mention was made of the need to enhance anticipatory action in addressing food crises, and the further operationalization of the Global Network against Food Crises.

On another note, Ladislav Miko, current EU Representative in Slovakia and former Deputy Director-General at the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), was announced as the EU Convenor for the Food Systems Summit. He will lead an EU Multistakeholder Dialogue on the UNFSS that is scheduled for 7 June, in which the Chief of Development Law Service at FAO’s Legal Office, Blaise Kuemlangan, will also participate.