FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium

FAO Brussels talks Sustainable Development Goals at Belgium SDG Forum


The FAO Liaison Office in Brussels and the FAO Office of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) took part in the Belgium SDG Forum, a multi-stakeholder event staged by 18 partner organizations from the Belgian sustainable development sector. The forum gave policy-makers, businesses, non-governmental organizations and academia a platform to meet and exchange ideas and solutions for advancing progress towards the achievement of the SDGs.

For this 2022 edition of the Forum, the FAO Liaison Office in Brussels organized a workshop, introducing FAO’s Strategic Framework 2022-31 in the context of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. The FAO Strategic Framework fully embraces the SDGs and adopts a common language to express FAO’s vision of a sustainable and food secure world for all. FAO Brussels welcomed Professor of Climatology and Sustainable Development at UCLouvain Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, as well as FAO Senior SDG Coordination Officer Natalia Galat, who shared valuable insights at the session. They also briefed the audience on some of the main findings of the most recent Global Sustainable Development Report.

The workshop was followed by a high-level debate on "Mid-Way Agenda 2030 - Where are we?”, in which both Professor van Ypersele and Galat took part, as well as a representative of the Belgian Federal Planning Bureau and Managing Director of CIFAL Flanders Peter Wollaert.

The SDGs are central to FAO’s overall theory of change under its Strategic Framework. You can read more about FAO’s Strategic Framework here.