FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium

FAO briefs Dutch public servant trainees on organization mandate and responsibilities


The Dutch Rijkstraineeprogramma, a 2-year training programme for future civil servants, paid a visit to Brussels in early June. The trainees visited numerous Brussels-based institutions including the United Nations Agencies.

The FAO Liaison Office in Brussels presented the trainees with the Organization’s mandate, its Strategic Framework 2022-31 as well as its flagship initiatives, before zooming in on the activities of the FAO Liaison Office in Brussels. The trainees learned about the various activities the Liaison Office undertakes, and about its role in the Organization’s outreach and advocacy efforts in Brussels.

The presentation was followed by a lively session of questions and answers, in which the trainees showed great interest in FAO’s global role to fight hunger and malnutrition and its focus on transforming the agrifood systems to make them MORE efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable.