FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium

Mainstreaming migration into rural development


 In the run-up to the European Union–African Union summit, FAO and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) co-organized an event that zoomed in on the close links between rural development and migration policies. The meeting, held as part of the first edition of the Africa-Europe Week of Partnerships, was attended by officials from local governments in Kenya, the European Union and United Nations agencies in Kenya, as well as representatives from FAO and IOM.

Speakers discussed the opportunities and challenges of integrating migration into rural development interventions. The event focused on lessons learned in Kenya, where FAO and IOM have worked closely to strengthen policy and programme coherence between migration, agriculture and rural development, both at local and national level.   

FAO Brussels Director Raschad Al-Khafaji opened the event by observing that migration and rural development are closely interconnected. "Agriculture is the backbone of many African economies, yet a large share of migrants come from rural areas,” he said. “Innovation is essential to transform agrifood systems and increase their contribution to African prosperity.”  

Migrants working in agrifood systems often face challenging conditions. Positive narratives on migration and the benefits of migration for rural development are essential to make migration work for all. The dialogue explored knowledge and lessons learned on the linkages between rural development and migration policies.  

Elisabeth Magnes, Programme Manager for migration and forced displacement of the Delegation of the European Union in Kenya highlighted the importance of coherent and holistic approaches to migration and development, emphasizing the need for concrete tools to mainstream migration into rural development and agricultural programmes and policies, especially given emerging challenges such as climate change and its effects on rural livelihoods and migration patterns. Other participants, from the UN Network of Migration and the National Coordination Mechanisms on Migration in Kenya, highlighted the crucial role of partnerships to ensure that migration is integrated within all agrifood systems.   

The Toolkit for Integrating Migration into Rural Development Interventions, which was presented at the meeting, offers a practical way of supporting actors to mainstream migration in sectoral programmes. The initiative has been financed by the EU within the framework of a project led by IOM,  based on results from a close collaboration between FAO and IOM in Kenya, where the tool was piloted.  

Ola Henrikson, the Regional Director of IOM’s Regional Office for the EU, Norway and Switzerland stressed the need for more coherent policies and programmes and the importance of EU support over the past five years in developing and testing toolkits. Camilla Hagström, deputy head of the Migration Unit of the European Union DG for International Partnerships, closed the event by noting that the EU decision to finance the tool had been justified, adding that “this partnership with IOM and FAO has generated a tool helpful for people who deal with rural development every day in our delegations or in governments,”.

 AU-EU Summit Declaration

As an outcome of the AU-EU Summit, leaders from African Union and European Union reaffirmed in a joint declaration their commitment and partnership to advance in common priorities for the two continents within key areas such as food security, nutrition, sustainable agriculture and climate change. The Declaration also endorsed the African Union’s Year of Nutrition in 2022, as part of the efforts to tackle undernourishment and all forms of malnutrition in Africa.  

In a high-level panel on agriculture and sustainable development, AU and EU leaders discussed how both continents can strengthen actions to promote sustainable and resilient food systems; to conduct a green and digital transition and to advance on infrastructure, standards and trade.