FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium

New report now released: Outcomes from the Brussels UN Food Systems Summit Independent Dialogue


More than 100 stakeholders from academia, governments, policymaking, the private sector, and civil society gathered in February for the first independent Food Systems Summit Dialogue organized in Brussels. The co-organizers of the Dialogue, the FAO Liaison Office in Brussels and the European Food Information Council (EUFIC), have released today the outcome report of the session.

The report has been transmitted to the UN Secretariat as a concrete contribution to the preparatory process towards the UN Food Systems Summit in September. The Summit Secretariat will synthesize the outcomes of the dialogues being organized around the world and make them available for the pre-summit event in Rome in July 2021.

The report is available here.

The recording of the high-level session of the dialogue is available here.