FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium

Summary of the Rome Water Dialogue report now available!


Water is central to agriculture that accounts for 72 percent of global freshwater withdrawals, to other economic sectors and is core to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. While there is increasing awareness of water importance, there is still a need for more effective, integrated and coordinated actions, coupled with strong political will in recognizing, valuing and managing water in a holistic and integrated manner to achieve all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

A strong, coherent and explicit integration and prioritization of water into national sustainable development strategies, policies and investment plans is needed, to understand why and how water resources shall be used to achieve social, economic and environmental objectives embedded in related national development plans. There is an urgent need to consider how best to address the manifold interconnections of water with all dimensions of sustainable development and most SDGs.

In this context, FAO organized the Rome Water Dialogue, a special event on the road to the UN 2023 Water Conference, in its Headquarters in Rome, Italy on 29 November 2022 to mobilize political will towards integrated water resources management for food security and climate resilience.

The Summary Report of the Rome Water Dialogue is now available here