FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium

The role of trade and trade rules in achieving sustainable agriculture: FAO Brussels - Geneva event


“FAO will always be there as an honest broker to facilitate the dialogue on trade issues of agricultural products between developing and developed countries” said FAO Brussels Director Rodrigo de Lapuerta at the opening of an event on trade and trade rules in achieving sustainable agriculture. The webinar, jointly organized with the FAO Liaison Office in Geneva, was moderated by FAO Geneva Director Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett. Speakers included DG DEVCO Head of Unit for Rural Development, Food Security and Nutrition Leonard Mizzi, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the WTO, Gothami Silva, and a representative of the Permanent Mission of Colombia to the WTO. The virtual seminar also marked the launch of a technical paper entitled “Policy space for sustainable agriculture in the WTO agreement on agriculture”.

You can access the recording here.