FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium

FAO work on pollinators feeds into EU opinion consultations


FAO’s longstanding expertise in supporting the protection of pollinators was discussed during a meeting of the European Economic and Social Committee’s (EESC) Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment (NAT) section.  

The EESC is in the process of drafting its opinion on the European Commission’s proposal for a new deal for pollinators. In this context, FAO was invited to update the Members of the EESC Study Group on its work for pollinators conservation. 

FAO plays a leading role in facilitating and coordinating the International Pollinators Initiative (IPI 1.0 and 2.0). The Initiative has catalysed the development and implementation of national and regional pollinator initiatives, among which the European Pollinator Initiative. 

The opinion by the EESC on the revision of the EU pollinators initiative is expected to be adopted in July 2023. 

You can read more about FAO’s work on pollinators here