FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium

FISH4ACP Event Highlights Progress in Aquatic Value Chains


The FISH4ACP team, in collaboration with the FAO Liaison Office in Brussels, hosted an event to update the Brussels audience on the significant progress made by the global aquatic value chain development initiative, FISH4ACP. An initiative that has been instrumental in enhancing the productivity and sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture value chains in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific.  

The event presented the remarkable progress and achievements of a community of women oyster harvesters in Senegal, home to one of FISH4ACP's projects. A recent field mission to the women oyster harvesters of Senegal by the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Working Party Delegation of the Council of the European Union was also presented, where delegates had a valuable on-site impression of the project's impact. 

FISH4ACP Chief Technical Advisor, Gilles van de Walle, moderated the event, offering a comprehensive overview of the project's progress to date. He elaborated on collaborations with local authorities, fishing communities, and value chain stakeholders, and the technical advancements achieved to unlock the potential of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Van de Walle also highlighted the socioeconomic benefits realized through the initiative. 

Leonard Mizzi, Head of Unit for Sustainable Agri-Food Systems and Fisheries at the EU Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA), emphasized how the FISH4ACP project provides excellent opportunities to apply the lessons learned from its 12 aquatic value chains to future key EU-funded projects, including the Global Gateway projects for coastal communities. 

Peter Wekesa, Environment and Natural Resources Governance Expert at the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), acknowledged the positive and concrete results achieved by the FISH4ACP project in ACP countries. He expressed gratitude for the collaboration with FAO and the European Union and looked forward to fruitful discussions and continued collaboration at the eighth OACPS Meeting of Ministers in charge of Fisheries and Aquaculture, to be held in the United Republic of Tanzania. 

The event continued with emotional firsthand testimonies from the field mission and a slideshow of pictures from the Senegal site in Toubacouta.  

FAO Brussels Director, Raschad Al-Khafaji, shared his reflections from the visit to Senegal that he had joined, stating: "Dignity, empowerment, and hope were the three words that resonated with me while witnessing these inspirational women, whose lives and livelihoods have been improved by the FISH4ACP initiative in Senegal." 

Reporting on the field mission, Katrien Meersman, Chair of the ACP Working Party under the Belgian Presidency, noted that EU representatives were impressed by the resilience of the women from the project and touched by their generosity, hospitality, and warmth. 

The event also featured a video message from Amy Gaye, Coordinator of FISH4ACP in Senegal, who highlighted how donor support to the oyster sector in the country has helped "improve the living conditions of women, making dreams come true and giving hope to the new generation." 

By providing aquaculture training in some of the project’s sites, the FISH4ACP initiative also strives for youth inclusion, fostering a new generation of skilled professionals within the fisheries sector and cultivating the interest of the young generation in aquatic food production and related activities.  

Ousmane Sanegui Loum, First Counsellor at the Embassy of Senegal in Brussels, stressed the role of fisheries and aquaculture value chains in generating income, ensuring food security, and contributing towards environmental sustainability in Senegal. 

The event concluded with an engaging discussion on the progress presented and the potential scalability of the initiative in other countries. Representatives from the FISH4ACP beneficiary countries, the European Commission, private sector, civil society, and academia discussed the need to upscale blue food value chain development and put fisheries higher on the political agenda. 

A digital photo exhibition presented various FISH4ACP sites. 

Attendees were invited to join the Blue Food Forum, a global event on aquatic food value chains, taking place in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on 12-13 September 2024, to explore the contribution of aquatic food value chains to global food systems transformation. 


Do you want to know more about FISH4ACP? 

FISH4ACP is an initiative of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) implemented by FAO with funding from the European Union (EU) and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).  

FISH4ACP seeks to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of twelve fisheries and aquaculture value chains in twelve OACPS member countries, making sure that economic improvements go hand in hand with environmental sustainability and social inclusiveness.   

The initiative pays special attention to small and medium-sized businesses, because of their potential to deliver economic and social benefits, particularly for women and youth.