FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium

GIAHS: agriculture heritage at the heart of EU sustainable and territorial development


The FAO Liaison Office in Brussels paid tribute to FAO’s Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) flagship initiative with an in-person event to celebrate the achievements of the programme and its crucial role in preserving traditional agricultural systems and revitalizing rural communities around the world. 

The celebration, hosted by the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) and supported by the World Sustainable Urban Food Centre of Valencia (CEMAS), highlighted GIAHS’s importance to EU Member States and Regions in promoting their exceptional agricultural heritage and local communities by commending five designated GIAHS sites in Italy and Spain: the Olive Groves of the Slopes between Assisi and Spoleto, the Soave traditional vineyards, the Agro-silvo-pastoral system Mountains of León and the the Historical Irrigation System of l'Horta de València. 

‘’GIAHS sites globally encompass climate change adaption, biodiversity conservation, ecosystems restoration, income generation, youth employment, ecological transition, and innovation’’ FAO Brussels Director Raschad Al-Khafaji said in his opening remarks, welcoming the audience. 

Two Members of the CoR were part of the opening session: Piotr Całbecki, the President of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region, and Joke Schauvliege, Vice-President of the Flemish Parliament. Both recognized the significance of the GIAHS programme in sustaining smallholder farmers worldwide and the need to preserve agricultural heritage through innovative solutions. 

A technical presentation of the GIAHS Initiative by FAO Programme Specialist, Clelia Puzzo, shed light on the Programme’s genesis, goals, and main activities.  

Representatives from the five recognized GIAHS sites then took the floor: 

The Vice President of the Umbria Region, Roberto Morroni, presented the local and traditional knowledge systems of the Olive Groves of the Slopes between Assisi and Spoleto.  

The President and Member of the Veneto Regional Council, Roberto Ciambetti, illustrated the Soave traditional vineyards, their different ecological features, and their importance for the livelihoods of local farmers.  

Moving to Spain, the Manager of the Mancomunidad Taula del Senia, Teresa Adell Pons, introduced the ancient olives trees of Territorio Senia as ‘’a legacy of our ancestors and resource for new generations’’. 

The President of the Diputación of León stressed the significance of the Agro-silvo-pastoral system Mountains of León in contributing directly to food security and the livelihoods of local communities.  

The Head of the EU office of the Region of Valencia, Leticia Casañ Jensen, emphasized the Historical Irrigation System of l'Horta de València as ‘’an example of the ingenuity and tenacity of our ancestors’’. 

Images and videos from the GIAHS sites presented their unique characteristics, landscapes, and traditional agricultural practices. 

Two recently awarded GIAHS sites in Andorra and Austria were also presented: 

Josep M. Casals Alis, Director of Agriculture and Livestock, from the Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Livestock of Andorra presented the subalpine and supraforestal pastures of Andorra. This was followed by a short video highlighting the longstanding agropastoral system that local herders have developed over time. 

The Representative of Austria’s Chamber of Agriculture in Brussels, Matthias Groeger, presented the traditional Hay milk Farming in the Austrian Alpine. 

The celebration also featured a video message by Chantal Bisschop representing the Flemish-Belgian Intangible Heritage, Centre for Agrarian History on the importance of preserving and making accessible the history and heritage of agriculture, food, and rural communities, and a study presentation by Hélène Moraut, Member of the CoR on the different agricultural heritage systems across Europe.

More on this topic

You can watch the recording of the event here. 

To learn more about the FAO’s Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems Programme click here.