FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium

Hungary's Focus on Food Security: A Collaborative Effort in Brussels with Rome-based Agencies


On May 15, the then-incoming Hungarian Mission to the EU hosted a workshop for CODEV and COHAFA delegates which marked the start of critical discussions on upcoming Council Conclusions on food security, scheduled for endorsement in December 2024.  

FAO (David Laborde, Director of Agroeconomics and Policy), IFAD (Ron Hartman, Director for Global Engagement, Partnerships and Resource Mobilization) and WFP (Arif Husain, Chief Economist) contributed with technical presentations which ranged topics including local production and diversification, support to smallholder farmers and financing for rural development and cash-based assistance, financing gap and humanitarian logistics.

Hungary emphasized that global food security and nutrition would be important priorities for its Presidency, as outlined in its program.

The three Rome-based agencies will continue to collaborate closely with the Hungarian Presidency, including through the provision of technical briefings to the EU Council Working Parties.