FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium

Innovations are crucial to transform Africa's agrifood system


“Innovation: a key enabler for sustainable food system transformation in Africa” was the title of the event organized by the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Enabel, the Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA), and the Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid of the Belgian Federal Government.  

Vincent Martin, FAO’s Director of the Office of Innovation was invited to deliver the keynote address, in which he stressed that combining grassroots with social, technological and financial innovations was needed to transform agrifood systems and ensure long-term food and nutrition security in Africa.  

Martin highlighted that these mixed interventions on innovation should include Internet access and literacy, fostering community-driven solutions and utilizing behavioural science; all while collaborating across multiple stakeholders to align ambitions and simplify processes for impactful and sustainable growth.  

Other speakers at the event included Jean Van Wetter, Enabel's CEO, Ismahane Elouafi, Executive Managing Director of CGIAR (and FAO’s former Chief Scientist), Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, the African Union’s Special Envoy for Food Systems, as well as Leonard Mizzi,  Head of Unit at DG INTPA. 

The event featured insightful debates on three critical topics related to innovation: food security and nutrition, climate and environment, and fragile contexts. The discussions provided valuable input for the global agenda on innovation and the perspective of sustainable agrifood systems in Africa.  

While in Brussels, Vincent Martin also met with a delegation from Ghent University to discuss collaboration on biotechnology and the Science and Innovation Forum. 

You can learn more about FAO’s work on innovation here.