FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium

Joint FAO-WFP Presentation of the Global Report on Food Crisis 2024 to EU Council Working Parties COHAFA and CODEV-PI


Deputy Director of the FAO Office for Emergencies and Resilience, Maxwell Sibhensana and WFP’s Chief Economist Arif Husain attended a joint meeting of the European Union’s Council Working Parties on Humanitarian Aid and Food Aid (COHAFA) and on Development Cooperation and International Partnerships (CODEV-PI).  

The joint presentation highlighted major findings of the Global Report on Food Crisis 2024, which was launched on 23 April 2024. 

The Report revealed a stark increase in acute food insecurity worldwide. A record, alarming figure of approximately 281.6 million people in 59 countries and territories across the world faced high levels of acute food insecurity due to ongoing food crises.  

The joint presentation stressed that emergency agriculture can and should play a crucial role in mitigating food consumption gaps, protecting livelihoods, and saving lives. It was highlighted that by focusing on sustainable agricultural practices and timely interventions, it is possible to reduce the immediate impacts of food crises and foster long-term food security. 

FAO and its partners advocate for more efficient and durable solutions to address the root causes of food insecurity and build resilience among vulnerable populations. Collective efforts across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) Nexus and flexible funding mechanisms are part of the solution.  

Learn more about the 2024 edition of the Global Report here